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As Centre Head, most of my responsibilities are related to activities at SWAMI, which includes liaising with SWAMI’s point-of-contact for the booking of venues and activities, organising volunteers during session and events, the entirety of the planning, execution and post-event for our 3 events and most importantly, deciding where to have dinner!


It is not a tough role, but it is not something that can be done alone. There’s a proverb that describes my term in the Main Committee very well, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”, I’ve been helped so much by the other MC members and SWAMI’s regular members and they’re the real MVPs who made my role much easier than it would’ve been and the real reason why we managed to accomplish what we needed to do. So I would encourage everyone to give it a go and try applying for the next MC!


If you have any questions, I hope you can’t find me and if you can, I will run as fast as my fat tumtum will carry me =D 



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