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The role of an Assistant Centre Head involves liaise with AWWA representatives on a regular basis together with the Centre Head. In weekly session, the Assistant Centre Head has to assist the Centre Head in marking the attendance of the day.  At the same time, together with the Centre Head for AWWA, we have to facilitating the regular session and any special collaborated visits.


During major events such as the respective celebrations at the AWWA, it is the role of the Centre Head and Assistant Centre Head to write proposals. Together with the Centre Head, the Assistant Centre Head also work with the planning committee to come up with the events, decorations, gifts and prizes needed for each celebrations. After the event, it is also our job to write a post event report, to sum up what was done in the celebration and what can be improved in the future.


Being a part of the main committee was a very enriching experience for me. Throughout the year, I have learnt to organize activities and to take up responsibilities. This experience had made me to learn to lead, at the same time, to step out of my comfort zone. I am grateful to work alongside my other committee members, who helpful and always there when they are needed, they give me the motivation to move on when I encounter difficulties, as I know they will always be there by my side. It is a precious opportunity for you to be able to meet and work with people that are just as dedicated as you, and it will be an unforgettable experience. Hence I strongly encourage everyone to apply for the next main committee if you are interest, it will be a fruitful chapter to your university life.😊

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