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As a business manager, the main responsibilities are to source for sponsorship for catering services and goodie bag items for festive celebrations and arrange and collect sponsored items with Logistics Officers. We also have to prepare Certificates of Appreciation for sponsors and performers, and ensure that the photos of the sponsored items are posted on the blog on a timely basis. In addition, we have to follow up on sponsor’s requests before and after the events. Furthermore, as part of the committee, we had the opportunity to work with other committee members in planning and executing events and providing suggestions and feedback for improvements.




Initially, I thought that liaising with external organizations for sponsorships would be a daunting and stressful task. However, the sponsors were extremely friendly and accommodating hence, it was a delightful experience. I also had a great time working with the committee members as they were really helpful and understanding, which made me enjoy being part of it. I am grateful for this experience and I hope that the incoming business managers will find joy in this role too!






The above responsibilities may sound like a mundane task but do not be afraid as it is very manageable! You can always work together with your partner and separate the tasks well to increase efficiency.


It has a been a meaningful journey so far as I got to write multiple emails and liaise with multiple sponsors which helps to brush up my communication skills. Other than the sponsors, you also have to communicate with your main committee especially logistic managers who can help with the collection and storage of the sponsored items (am blessed with such a great team).


Overall, I enjoyed this position and am grateful to be part of the main committee where I had so much fun and laughter. Please feel free to approach any of us if you have question with regard to the position. :)

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