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Do you have the artistic flair, the ability to scrutinise each and every colour to the very pixel being projected, the inspirational moments that you have while walking down a new path, the flourishing, seemingly flowery, vocabulary at the back of your head? Or are you a socialite, expressing thoughts and words through the very screen that depicts your very self? Even more so, the smiles and words of grace portrayed as you talk to every elderly you meet makes your heart melt? Then, the role of Publications and Publicity of NTU WSC RSP Elders is the right position for you!


With my experience over the past year as PnP, even though the job scopes seemed daunting to a person who have absolutely no experience whatsoever, with the great team comprising of other Elders main-committee members, many things were accomplished together. As long as you have the heart to serve the elderly, and the passion to see through your every session, you will eventually find that all the work you have done fulfilling in each and every sense.


With each of your creation, you can attract a few more likes, a few more volunteers and a few more smiles. I would dare say, just step out of your comfort zone, and try the things you have never done!


Join Elders as Publications and Publicity!

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