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January 17, 2016

一时的决定,永远的回忆 (One Action Goes A Long Way)




The elderly can teach us many things. They often have exceptional manners and knowledge that can rub off on others. The elderly in society are underestimated of the things they can do to help the young and adult of the world.
 What we do not realize is that, wisdom which is rarely passed over nowadays in all of our busy lives, is what the elderly can provide. While knowledge comes from learning, wisdom comes from living. 


Every elderly whom you interact with, will have a different life story to tell. This sentence has been etched into my mind vividly since my encounter with Auntie Ann (not her real name) . Auntie Ann is an elderly living in one of the HDBs at Ang Mo Kio. She is under the care of AWWA Home. She holds a degree from NUS in the teaching industry, and have been teaching young children as her job. Throughout her life, she used her salary mainly to pay off her school fees, bank loans, as well as to support her younger sister and brother. Thus, she leaves little money for herself. However, after her mother passed away, ties between her and her younger sister turned sour as they fought over the house left behind by their mother. 


“We are of the same family blood, why fight against each other over a house…” Being the eldest, she gave up the house to her younger sister who was also unmarried. She felt that what matters most in the end was to keep the ties with her sister.


“What do you do when you have troubles?” I asked Auntie Ann. “Young people, why you do have troubles? Because of studies? Don’t be troubled! Just do what makes you happy! Study but have fun and play at the same time! Go out during the weekends! Spend time with your family! 开心就好! ” 


As the elders session came to an end, she held my hands and thanked me repeatedly. “It’s really nice of you to visit us! Come often if you’re free okay? But, remember to spend time with your own family too!” 


Love begins by taking care of the ones at home – another piece of wisdom Auntie Ann left me. 




The meaning of life is about contribution, not consumption. Life moves at an ever-increasing pace. The distractions of work and other events keep us from focusing on the most important parts of life. Continuously missing opportunities to help others or to create memories becomes the norm.Volunteering continues to have a daily influence on me. Each experience allows me to learn something new about the human conditions of life and increases my sense of awareness.


Volunteering opened my eyes not only to the tragedies and hardships of people’s lives, but to the unbelievable kindness, resiliency in humans, and opportunities for change. 


Volunteering opened my heart to have faith that change is possible, that most people care and will do what they believe is the right thing to do, and that a simple kind gesture does make a difference in this world.


“When educating the minds of the youths, we must not forget to educate their hearts.”


Written by: Brenda

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